Macmini how to launch Kodi
Hi, I am using Macmini Yousemity, Harmony One + Flirc and Kodi RC1. Everything works fine, but I dont know how to lunch Kodi by my RC. In settings I have remote Harmony and option Start Kodi by RC is able. But it is not working. Is it possibility in iOS to start some application by pressing some key like F10 or some? Or can somebody help me to set it up?

Thx very much Ales
disable and enable the "allow remote to start kodi" option (or what it is called)...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I did, and still the same. No work Sad. HOME button should do that?
You are using Firc, can do almost anything. If you allocate a key to launch Kodi in keyboard shortcuts, then just map it to the remote....thats if indeed Memphiz's solution doesn't work of you.
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Yes, and this is the problem. on iOSX I am not ably to allocate a key for launch the application on keyboard Sad. I made a lot of experiments I know that I can for example F13 start the application and than put F13 to some button on my RC learn FLIRC to do that. But when I press F13 on keyboard do nothing, so the RC as well Sad
Ok, lots of ways to do this.

Create a simple applescript or service using Automator example.,

tell application "Kodi"
    end tell
Use the services menu in keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences to assign it a key eg. F13.

If you cannot achieve this then you can apps such as Keyboard Maestro or Apptivate etc.
There is another tutorial here
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

(2014-12-02, 13:38)activate Wrote: Ok, lots of ways to do this.

Create a simple applescript or service using Automator example.,

tell application "Kodi"
    end tell
Use the services menu in keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences to assign it a key eg. F13.

If you cannot achieve this then you can apps such as Keyboard Maestro or Apptivate etc.
There is another tutorial here

Thx it is works Smile

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