Install Kodi(No picture only sound)
I just flat out deleted a post that suggested turning off hardware video decoding. Don't do that. That is not a fix, and you are not helping people by suggesting that.

For people with this issue, you need to make sure that you are running the latest stable version of Kodi, and that you have an up to date firmware for your device. If you have both then you shouldn't have any issues.
Ned, IIRC, the latest amlogic firmwares support mediacodec/libstagefright quite decently, so while pure software decoding is a no-go, disabling amlcodec might be a backup solution for some with buggy firmware.
That's great news :D

Thankfully the post I deleted was about using only software decode :)
Not sure if this will help anyone. I know this thread is a bit old, but hoping if I put it here, people will find it. I have Matricom's G-Box and everything worked a treat. I bought another for another room, did a backup and restored everything on to box 2. However, all I got was the dreaded black screen problems on box 2. No picture- just sound. Like hundreds of other forum answers, I simply (and reluctantly) switched HW acceleration off and it worked. BUT the result was a horrible frame-skipping, buffering hell compared to box 1.

I went through all the chmod permissions, rooting, superuser, everything. Nothing worked.

Then I worked noticed I had firmware 1.4.1 installed. So I formatted box 2 and went back to 1.3.1. Chucked NBC Sports back on, added Jarvis RC1 for good measure and the whole damn thing is back up and running as perfect. Football didn't buffer once and was using HW acceleration. Simple fix, but I guess if anyone else is using the same box and got 1.4.1 pre-installed, they might not know 1.3.1 does the trick.

Hope it helps someone!
I've encountered a similar problem.
Running Jarvis 16.1 on Amazon Fire TV 4k box.
1080p video runs no bother at all with hardware acceleration.
4k video mp4 runs sound only, no video. Turning off hardware acceleration makes it display, but as you would expect the video becomes pretty choppy. I currently only have limited 4k content, so its no huge issue. However, I was wondering if this is something that may be fixed in future Kodi builds or if I'm just being stupid and there is a simple solution. Many thanks for any assistance.
(2016-08-01, 23:44)d08z Wrote: I've encountered a similar problem.
Running Jarvis 16.1 on Amazon Fire TV 4k box.
1080p video runs no bother at all with hardware acceleration.
4k video mp4 runs sound only, no video. Turning off hardware acceleration makes it display, but as you would expect the video becomes pretty choppy. I currently only have limited 4k content, so its no huge issue. However, I was wondering if this is something that may be fixed in future Kodi builds or if I'm just being stupid and there is a simple solution. Many thanks for any assistance.
Perhaps trying installing SPMC (you can have both installed, since they have their own folders/directories) just to see if it works better on your AFTV2.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Nexus
Thanks for the suggestion I hadn't head of SPMC. They seem to work about the same, with SPMC not supporting hardware accelerated 4K on the AFTV2 either. The idea was appreciated though, cheers.
(2015-01-02, 22:38)Dood Wrote: I thought I did I put up a link seems it didn't work sorry first time on here Try this

Thanks just looking on youtube didnt work
ok this is old but I tried the youtube fix. It worked. The retarded fix worked. This just happen to be a refurbished old computer. so it's fine. Thanks

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Install Kodi(No picture only sound)0