Video library clean not working
My video library clean isn't working

Here is my log with debugging enabled.

For the test I purposely renamed a file and then did a clean, it didn't remove the file.

If I attempt to play the file it tells me it can't find it and offers to remove it which it successfully does.

Doing a clean when removing a source does also work.

All files are located on the computer locally with 5 TV Show sources and 3 Movie sources.

Running Kodi 14.0 on Windows 8.1
The clean function only works on the library listing (not the actual files); clean checks to see if you have a real media file, if none is found, the listing is deleted (not the real folder nor sub media such as images or .nfo files). Renaming a file infers that you have another video file to be scanned and which is not currently listed. If you attempt to play a listed library file whihc you have manually deleted in the O/S you will be presented with a requester to delete the listing (often the case when you have a removable media drive listing but not plugged in).

Sounds like everything is working properly.
Sorry I don't think I explained very well Smile

I'm looking to remove the entry from Kodi once I have removed the files.

What happens is i'll move or rename a TV show for example, do a library clean and then a library scan, since the library clean does nothing I end up with the TV show being doubled.

The reason I mentioned playing a file that can't be found as well as removing a source is because these functions remove the listing from Kodi, but doing a manual video clean does not. So my Kodi seems to have the power to remove listings, its just not doing it for some reason.

Not really sure what has caused it, the last time I remember cleaning working properly was on gotham.
Ok, got the issue.. just wondering if this has anything to do with a file cache flush. If you quit the program and restart, the previously cleaned still shows? A quick overlook of your debug log indicates you're already 52 seconds into launch which leave most wondering what version of Kodi you have and your hardware etc. There is a lot of warning form a few plugins, which you might put on hold until you come up with a solve.

Cleaning files table
Cleaning streamdetails table
Cleaning bookmark table
Cleaning settings table
Cleaning stacktimes table
Cleaning paths that don't exist and have content set...
Cleaning tvshow table
Cleaning path table
Cleaning genre table
Cleaning country table
Cleaning actor table of actors, directors and writers
Cleaning studio table
Cleaning set table
Cleaning videodatabase done. Operation took 01:08
OnCleanFinished from xbmc

Cleaning appeared to be successful.
I checked and closing kodi and reopening does not fix it, the video that does not exist is still there after a clean.

This is strange, I've uninstalled the reddit and ustv now addon for example and I'm still getting errors relating to these...

Here is a fresh log including startup.
Could you try to remove the file from within the library listing and see if that works? I assume you are currently using the clean library function in settings/video library. Also I doubt it would make much difference in this case, but please do your testing in the default skin, Confluence.

I noticed you have plenty of errors regarding connecting to various IPs on your internal network. I am not sure what these are about. But I believe the clean library function has been updated to not remove items from the library if the entire source is missing. In that case though, you should get a pop-up dialog after the clean session asking what to do with items where the source was missing.

There is another thread with the same issue. I may end up merging these threads.
(2015-01-12, 22:17)kricker Wrote: Could you try to remove the file from within the library listing and see if that works? I assume you are currently using the clean library function in settings/video library. Also I doubt it would make much difference in this case, but please do your testing in the default skin, Confluence.

I noticed you have plenty of errors regarding connecting to various IPs on your internal network. I am not sure what these are about. But I believe the clean library function has been updated to not remove items from the library if the entire source is missing. In that case though, you should get a pop-up dialog after the clean session asking what to do with items where the source was missing.

There is another thread with the same issue. I may end up merging these threads.

Removing the file manually does work, as does removing the source and selecting that I want to clean the files in the source.

I did originally check in Confluence and it was the same.

Yeah I'm not sure what the ip addresses are about either, all my sources are locally on the hard drives, I don't have any network sources.

I checked the IP Address's on my router and none of them led to anything except one

Quote:13:13:53 T:11904 INFO: XCURL:Big GrinllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
13:13:54 T:11904 ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for
13:13:56 T:11904 ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for

Thats the IP address from my phone, I'm not sure why. I've actually never added a network share to this Kodi setup.
Could be a corrupt database file. The next test I would do is to backup my library then create a new one. Test removal of a file from that library.

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Video library clean not working0