Navigate to Next in List or Previous in List
Please help with the sequence of actions to navigate to "Next in List" or "Previous in List". In particular, I would like to use this where I view thumbnails sorted by tags (Gotham 13.2, Confluence skin). Ideally, the "Next in List" would do nothing when it reaches the last item in the list.

Using a combination of down, right, and page down seems unwieldy. I would like one button (to a script) that advances to the next thumbnail regardless of position.

It must be possible since the action "Queue" does exactly this. It always moves to the next thumbnail and stops at the end of the list. I just don't know how/where to find the necessary code and put it in a python script.

BTW, tags are extremely nice to break my movies into manageable groups. I have a script for jumping directly to the next (or previous) group. The tags have been a great improvement.


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Navigate to Next in List or Previous in List0