XBMC support 240Hz tv?
Can someone guild me to getting XBMC to work on a Vizio 1080p 240HZ tv? All it does is flicker and stop. It work fine on my 1080p 120Hz tv but not my 240Hz. believe that the refresh rate is too high. Any idea or solution would be greatly appreciated.
Those TVs don't actually accept a 120 or 240 signal. They just fake it using some algorithms to "guess" what the in-between frames might be. It's a horrible gimmick feature that I strongly recommend to everyone to turn off on their TVs. Just leave it at 60hz (or 50hz if you are in the EU?).
Once the screen refresh rate exceeds the content your watching the tv starts interpolating the best middle frames to fill in the cracks.

I'm with "Ned Scott" suggestion on this one.

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XBMC support 240Hz tv?0