Android AFTV audio stream re-sampling
I asked the question below in another thread here

"It plays all my hi-res music files but I have been trying to find out what the hardware does to the music stream. Does it downsample hi-res to 44.1kHz (or 48kHz) 16 bit. I use the optical output but my AV receiver does not let me know what sample rates are playing. I note that the audio configuration is greyed out, showing as "Android Audiotrack". I have no idea what that means. I would be grateful for any info about what the FTV does to audio streams".

Since connecting my AFTV to an AV amp that lets me know when the in-built DAC receives a 96k stream, I now know that the AFTV resamples the audio stream even when XBMC/KODI audio out is set to "Best Match". I know this because when I play a 96k flac file using the "Best Match" audio setting the 96k indicator on the amp does not show up. I have no idea what the AFTV hardware does to other audio file with other sample rates because this amp only lets me know about 96k streams.

Does anyone know any more about what the AFTV hardware does to audio streams in terms of down-sampling or re-sampling?
I called Amazon customer support about this a long time ago, and they told me the AFTV resamples all audio to 48khz before passing it to the DAC. I tried using USB Audio Pro Player with no success, but at the same time, I cannot tell a difference between resampled 48khz audio and the original bitrate.
Thanks for passing that information on. I am unlikely to tell any difference either, but the purist in me would have preferred the original bitsdtream going through to the DAC.

I suppose it matters little whether to set the audio in XBMC/Kodi to 48kHz, or leave the AFTV to do it. Is there a best way?
I really don't have a clue which is best. For 96, I really wouldn't worry about it since you aren't likely to have any negative effects - 96/2 = 48. I'd be more concerned with 44.1 and it's multiples. Play with it both ways and see what is best. My guess is that since you have to ask the question, they're both going to sound the same.
As well as sound quality - I was also thinking about the impact from a processing / latency point of view. I will probably set the audio output in XBMC/Kodi to "Optimised" and leave the AFTV to do what it will, and forget about it.
Before completely putting this audio query behind me, I came across this spec sheet

Now if XBMC/Kodi decodes my flac files does it not output the audio stream through the AFTV audio hardware as PCM which the AFTV can handle up to 24/192?
Read better. This is what the aftv decodes, but it only output 48khz/16

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AFTV audio stream re-sampling0