syncing other box's
I have already posted and with some success and fail...
Currently I have a few android box's in my house... My granny seen one and asked if she could have one (all is great till I remember she lives quite far away)

I'm currently using Dropbox and dropsync to download files to the android box's however is there a better way to do it as dropsync does not delete files which are not on the Dropbox directory and if I'm honest its quite a pain...

My predicament is I cannot leave a computer or box running 24\7 and ALL changes must go to ALL box's is any skin editing the removal or install of addons and or updates etc ect

So I think now if got my head around the basic Dropbox and dropsync system its time to explore better things...

(Please note my granny's box is on a different network and as above FAR AWAY so a simple backup and dump procedure would not work)
Have you looked into the TeamViewer app and remote software? It would allow you to manually update remotely like a remote desktop under windows from what I've read. Have not investigated further.
I have yes, found it didnt really work as good as you would think it should have.
Kind of slow and a pain in the rear of i do say so myself.
i was looking at a more file system then a remote viewer if im honest as i dont want to be saving lots of codes as now my uncle also wants a box haha.
So i need something to dump updates to the box remotely including my custom skin and addons that change.
I know a few people selling android box's can do it so there has to be some way of doing it... maybe a custom wizerd ? Update the wizerd once a month and use drop box to dump it to a box? But then im not sure how to make a wizerd and it means putting a password on the file incase like everything else it go's wwalking about the www haha
There has to be a way..... im determend to find it
Anyone got anymore info on this?? Think it may help a lot of people out with multiple box's both I'm the house and in other places...

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