Solved Sync Library Across Android (no UPnP or MySQL)
I set out to find away to sync the viewing history and other data across my android based kodi devices. This is the method Im using and how I did it. Ill spruce this post up a bit and add some photos so it can hopefully become a sticky.

1.)This guide is for people without the ability of setup a MySQL back end server. If you have a freenas/synology/etc server you can follow this guide here to set up a far more convenient service.
2.)My testing so far concluded that this will ONLY work with network based systems. Kodi CANNOT be using local files it has caused a crash. All kodi devices have to be reading from the same source or sources and be identical.
2.)In order to sync other items other than just your viewing history it will cost you 5.99 USD for the pro version of an app to do so. (other things to sync: playlists, addon data, custom keymappings)
3.)This method is not perfect. This is a work around for a particular configuration! I dont own any of the applications involved, I cant (unfortunately) fix them but I can help with setup.
4.)Lastly, this will require you to run a program before and after you use kodi if you want the devices to sync. I have not found a way to make this automatic (at least on the nexus player, nvidia shield, and razer forge it isnt; testing android phones now. will update when I find out)

Now that that is out of the way here we go:

Im assuming you already have kodi installed and linked to your sources. If you need help with this there are plenty of guides on this forum.

For Android phones and tablets:

1.) Download Autosync for Google Drive and purchase the pro version if you want to sync more than just your viewing history.
2.) If you dont already have your google drive setup, do so. You get 15GB for free and shouldnt need anymore than that. Create a folder in your drive called "kodi"
3.) Open your autosync application and follow the steps on screen to add a folder to sync.
4.) Navigate to Android->data->org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/ and you will to select the "Database" folder and sync it to your kodi folder on your google drive in a 2 way sync. (You can also sync the addon folder and playlists folder here if you so desire. Just go to add folders in the settings of the app and select these folders and sync them to matching folders in your google drive (you have to create folders in your drive or with the app)).
5.) Go into the settings for the autosync and make sure it will sync files when changes are detected immediately.
6.) Still in settings, set the upload file side limit on "no limit" (you can change other settings based on your preferences)
7.) YOU ARE DONE! the application should sync to your drive automatically. If not just run the autosyncer program to sync the database before and after you use kodi so you can pick up the content on another device.

For Android TV devices (nexus player, forge tv, nvidia shield):

The idea is the same as the phones and tablets. The main difference is the need to sideload the Autosync google drive application as it is not currently supported buy Android TV. As to my knowlege you have to run the Autosync app before and after a kodi use because I cant get the nexus player to let it sync automatically.

Things you need:
1.) A USB formatted to FAT32. Any size should do.
2.) an Android on the go cable (not needed for nvidia shield or forge tv)
3.) An android tv device (obviously lol)

Alright lets go:
1.) Go to this link here. Copy the url of the google play store for the Autosync for GoogleDrive from here and paste it into the first link to get the apk. Copy your apk files to your usb. (Note you can do this with other apps too to sideload them but they may act glitchy or not at all so be careful.)
2.) Follow this guide here to sideload android applications. NOTE: Its possible you may have to enable developer mode on the device before it will recgonize your usb. To do so, go to settings->about device->tap the "build number" several times.
3.) If you dont already have your google drive setup, do so. You get 15GB for free and shouldnt need anymore than that. Create a folder in your drive called "kodi"
4.) Open your autosync application and follow the steps on screen to add a folder to sync.
5.) Navigate to Android->data->org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/ and you will to select the "Database" folder and sync it to your kodi folder on your google drive in a 2 way sync. (You can also sync the addon folder and playlists folder here if you so desire. Just go to add folders in the settings of the app and select these folders and sync them to matching folders in your google drive (you have to create these folders in your drive or with the app)).
6.) Go into the settings for the autosync and make sure it will sync files when changes are detected immediately. Set the file size limit to "no limit". Set the device to sync ove wifi AND mobile. Set the device to sync as long as the battery is above 0%.
7.) YOU ARE DONE! the application should sync to your drive automatically. If not just run the autosyncer program to sync the database before and after you use kodi so you can pick up the content on another device.

Other Notes:
-Also you can potentially use this method to both play emulators on the device AND sync games across your android devices. However, I have not found an emulator yet that works flawlessly on the android tv yet so Ill update if I do. Feel free to experiment and let me know.
-Note: If you install google drive via the method above you can use that to transfer apk files to your device. Its much more convenient,
-Kodi will create a file for each time it syncs a new watch data in your google drive. Kodi seems to always use the newest one. They are small files so it shouldnt clog up your drive too much but if the get excessive you can delete the old files.
-It may be possible to sync to windows and maybe osx but I havent looked too far into this. Will update when I do.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please let me know below and I will get to them as soon as possible.

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Sync Library Across Android (no UPnP or MySQL)0