Christmas Visualizations
Just wondering are there any Christmas like visualizations out there?

What do you want to mean with "Christmas visualizations"? A XBMC theme?
Yea, like more reds and greens or with snowflakes or something like that. I know that wmp has stuff like that, but that is totally different, just wanted to know if there was other ones out there and if there is, do I just ftp them into the folder?

I don't know if there are anything anywhere, but it's a cool idea. Maybe yes, but you can do your own theme. Later you only have to upload it to the proper place (i don't remember where, i believe it's 'E:\Apps\XBMC\themes' in my XBox) and you can select it from the configuration window of your XBMC theme.
I actually like the idea of "Christmas Visualizations" in the form of hand picked Milkdrop settings with a certain Christmas feel to them. Has anyone compiled such a list, I wonder ? Smile

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