Android Kodi 15.2/AFTV inexplicably keeps jumping backwards
After upgrading to Kodi 15.2 from 14.2 on my FireTV, I've noticed several glitches. The worst of them is that I'll be watching a DVD and all of a sudden -- with absolutely no touching of the remote -- the playback will occasionally jump back, usually about 20-30 minutes!

It doesn't happen every time, and it's not repeatable, but this is unacceptable. And it never happened with Kodi 14.2.

Has anyone else seen this? Should I report it as a bug?

Thank you for your assistance.
Can you post a debug log (wiki) of when this happens?
(2015-08-31, 22:14)Ned Scott Wrote: Can you post a debug log (wiki) of when this happens?

Sure, I'll be happy to help. Should I install 15.1 or 15.2?
15.2 rc
Dammit, this has happened at least a dozen more times, but every time I try to upload the log (after enabling debugging), the upload fails!

This is a major bug, but I have no way to provide the log.
Okay, with the help of resident genius Ned Scott, I finally have a debugging-mode log of when this happens. This is from Kodi v15.1 (NOT 15.2)

Here's the link to the uploaded log:

By the way, what's the preferred method of uploading logs for examination here?
Whoa, that's a big log. I'll have to look at it when I get back to my laptop.

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Kodi 15.2/AFTV inexplicably keeps jumping backwards0