ATV2 to what platform
I'm thinking it's time to move on and consider retiring (selling) my ATV2s and replace it with some other device. For those that have made the move, what hardware platform have you moved to that was the most painless? I have about a 700 movie library all in ISO format. I'm looking for something that is small form factor and is obviously fan-less.

Anyone care to make a recommendation?
Kodi - be brave and help - update w/nightly builds
I suggest waiting a few weeks and see how well the the ATV4 and Fire TV 2 work.

I upgraded from ATV2's to Fire TV's and couldn't have been happier. They played all 1080p content perfectly (except for hi10p), which was much better than the ATV2's. I expect the Fire TV 2's will be even better, as long as there's no issues with Kodi working on it

The Apple TV 4's should be even better (they have better hardware specs than the Fire TV 2's), but someone will need to figure out how to hack/jailbreak them so that we can run Kodi on them.

I've just sold my fire tv's (which are selling used for more than MSRP) and have preordered a fire tv 2. I'll probably also pick up an ATV4 and see how well it works as soon as it's confirmed that Kodi works on it.
Wetek 4K Core if you want properly synced 24p movie playback and Dynamic Refresh rate switching for judder free video playback.

Fire TV2 if you don't care about that sort of thing.

The ATV4 will not be able to be jailbroken, just like the ATV3. So no Kodi.

ATV4 is much more complex than the ATV3 and has much more in common with the general iOS core. (Although it's been named tvOS) I suspect it will be jailbreaked at the same time as other devices. In fact, I'm guessing the reason an iOS9 jailbreak isn't gonna be out for a while is because they are waiting for the ATV4 to launch. I hope I'm right about thisSmile

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ATV2 to what platform0