Win Is this a codec issue or Kodi issue?
Hi guys.

I ripped these discs a few years ago and they played fine then but now they look like this.

Is this Kodi or codecs?

What do i need to do to fix it? These are the only movies doing it.

Looks like corrupt files to me but I may be wrong.
How about you test them in a different media player first? That rule out a few possibilities.
Kodi has codecs built in, from those photos it doesn't look like file rot. Looks like the decoder is having issues. bet the issue was with the initial encode which might have not followed the rules 100% at the time, but was good nuff in it's day with the decoders. Play the same videos with VLC and see if you have the same issue. If you don't have issues with VLC then, then turn off hardware acceleration in Kodi and it will play the same. Prime suspect is the graphic card routines at that point (driver).

If you still have this issue after following the above, then the file has rot or needs to be re-encoded (you might get lucky and not have to use the original source, but don't count on it).
Yeah i have loads that have corrupted over the years
(2016-03-07, 06:24)PatK Wrote: Kodi has codecs built in, from those photos it doesn't look like file rot. Looks like the decoder is having issues. bet the issue was with the initial encode which might have not followed the rules 100% at the time, but was good nuff in it's day with the decoders. Play the same videos with VLC and see if you have the same issue. If you don't have issues with VLC then, then turn off hardware acceleration in Kodi and it will play the same. Prime suspect is the graphic card routines at that point (driver).

If you still have this issue after following the above, then the file has rot or needs to be re-encoded (you might get lucky and not have to use the original source, but don't count on it).

Thanks y'all.

Played in VLC with same results.

New encode it is.
Just FYI VLC is not a good player to compare Kodi to for other matters as it renders in a different way.

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Is this a codec issue or Kodi issue?0