Adding Streaming channels
Hey, i have been trying to modify some python scripts to get a few live streams to work. However, i found that all live streams with a intro does not work correctly on Xbox.

The Video Closes after the intro is complete for the Live Stream. Is there a way to get this type of stream link to work on XBMC? maybe through the use of python scripts. (There is no codec problem, b/c the intro plays).
Can you give an example of what streams you're trying to play?
majorheadache Wrote:Can you give an example of what streams you're trying to play?

I appreciate your respones. I am at work at the moment, once i get home i will be happy to provide you with an example.

However, it is basically like any other streaming link mms://serveraddress/mountpoint/

The intro file can be added on the server end (an option exists in Windows Media Services 9). I know this b/c i have managed wmservices before. If you have used Shoutcase X script on XBMC, you will notice that some channels will start with a intro video and then the video stops completely b/c the intro has reached to the end and Xbox closes the video, instead of waiting for second item to be played (the live stream works like a playlist, where an intro is played and then the actual live stream). If you need more clarification, please respond.

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Adding Streaming channels0