ehternet connection problem

new to this so hoping you guys might be able to solve my problem.

I have an older android tv box that up until afew days ago was working fine, then I wasnt able to watch anything......
it seemed like an internet connection problem but when I tried connecting my laptop to the ethernet connection I was using
my laptop was working fine.
I went into network settings and it said ethernet not connected, i switched to WIFI and it worked fine.

I decided to use this box upstairs via WIFI assuming there must be a problem with the ethernet port on the box.

I have gone out and bought aGbox and have exactly the same problem, wont connect via ethernet....
again i have checked my laptop on the ethernet and it works fine, so again im using the new box on WIFI...........

is there Anybody out there with a solution

cheers guys.
Where are the source files you are trying to watch? NAS or direct connection to the GBox or laptop?

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