v17 Beta3 Android
Hello I have just tried Kodi 17 beta 3 on the Shield, does kodi not support 4K gui? I thought this was introduced in 16.
Even if I am watching a 4K movie and I go to video calibration, the overlay shows 1080x1920 @..HZ.
please search for the other 20 threads with the answer.
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Ok searched for 4K gui, that won't even search
Tried 4K resolution which brought up loads of threads about resolution and none obviously about 4K.
Tried kodi 17 gui, err no luck
What about 4K GUI resolution or 4K kodi 17 GUI...
Balls to it these 20 threads must have cryptic key words, I'll stick with spmc.
Here is one of those threads (I'm not sure whether there are 20 of them): http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=260932&page=6
I have install Kodi 17 beta 3 on my shield tv but windows network smb not work. I can not add my files from the pc. Whene i push windows network smb i get only a not found. With Kodi 16 i dont have this problem.
Hint: use LibreELEC Kodi, where the dev. Kszaq and myself have sorted out 1080p >> 2160p (4K) Refresh Switching and scaling for AMLogic S905's for true 2160p video output.

Ahhh sorry, misread, you have a Shield !


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