Does Kodi cache on system drive when installed on HDD...?

I wondered if anyone can tell me, when I stream on KODI, will/does it write to my system drive (an SSD) even if its installed on an HDD? I would have thought not but something is burning through writes like mad (32GB a day / 11TB a year) and I have moved KODI onto HDD and Firefox cache into RAMdrive...but still the SSD writes are massive, and these are basically all i use on the PC

so if anyone can tell me if it still writes to the system drive and if so how do i change this?

(2017-01-31, 05:59)8ball Wrote: I wondered if anyone can tell me, when I stream on KODI, will/does it write to my system drive (an SSD) even if its installed on an HDD? I would have thought not but something is burning through writes like mad (32GB a day / 11TB a year) and I have moved KODI onto HDD and Firefox cache into RAMdrive...but still the SSD writes are massive, and these are basically all i use on the PC

Kodi caches stuff to the userdata folder which is located in different places based on OS:

If you did the default install then yes, Kodi is probably caching stuff to the SSD. There are likely two choices. First, you can do a symlink (or whatever Windows calls that) from the userdata location to a different location (presumably on your HDD). I don't think you can just do a shortcut, but I'm not sure. Second, since you're on Windows, you could use portable mode.

I've never tried either of these, but they should work in theory. Hopefully someone will jump in with something concrete.
Portable mode should be easy to implement and then you can be certain where the data is being stored. It might be a good idea to move Kodi outside of the default "program files" folder since Windows likes to protect changes that are made in that folder.
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Does Kodi cache on system drive when installed on HDD...?0