Android How to change recently added reel to all library
Hi there,

I am new to Kodi, but getting there with the various helpful instructions posted (managed to finally get NFS on NAS working last night - thanks to that Wiki).

I've been playing in settings and can't seem to find something to be able to edit this, but at the moment the default 'reel' or widget above the Movies category is recently added. Is there a way to get it to just be able to scroll the whole library (in alphabetical sorting)?

Apologies if this is really noddy and thank you in advance to anyone that can help!

Actually, thought of a different way round this for what I want and instead am now booting directly into the movies titles page.

Thanks to Shaolin's post, I added <onload condition="Window.Previous(startup)">ActivateWindow(Videos,MovieTitles,return)</onload> to the home.xml file.

Although still interested if there are ways to edit that widget.

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