BUG? AMD Ryzen 1700 and GTX 1070 only 64 Bit Kodi

after a few weeks and installing a new PC i couldnt never start Kodi 17.1 32 Bit under Win 10 64 Bit.
I´ve changed my sytem from i5 2500 k with NVIDIA GTX 1070 to AMD Ryzen 1700 with NVIDIA GTX 1070 Win 10 64 Bit with Creators Update.
The only solution i found was to install the 64 Bit Kodi 18 Alpha. Even no older NVIDIA driver or enabling the MAA Feature in the NVIDIA Driver panel or enabling 3d settings through app in NVIDA panel could deny the crashes of KODI 32 Bit.
Any advices?


Make sure all drivers are up to date. Uninstall any and all Visual C++ packages you have and reboot. Install kodi and make sure to check visual c++ install as well. Been running kodi 32 bit on windows 10 x64 since windows 10's release with no problems(other than the ones I create myself Tongue ).

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BUG? AMD Ryzen 1700 and GTX 1070 only 64 Bit Kodi0