RasppI OE stuck on openelec splash screen
The movie I was watching was acting funky so I rebooted Openelec and now its stuck on Oepenelec splash. Usually the Openelec splash screen comes up and then it says 8.0.3 under it and then it goes to Kodi.

I can't even ssh into it. Only thing that has changed is i switched out my 1st gen Flirc dongle with a new 2nd gen one. [/u]
I assume file system corruption.

See if you are able to kind of repair the sd card using your normal pc, or do a fresh install
Yup. Ran it thru Gparted and it found a bad superblock.

Perfect bad superblock because it can't repair it and now I can't mount the ext2 partition anymore. It doesn't show up on testdisk either. I'm hoping I can dd/ddrescue some of the data off it, since it still shows up in nautilus. B

Thanks Obama!

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RasppI OE stuck on openelec splash screen0