kodi cablecard capabilities

TLDR? -- can kodi be used to order a properly configured serverwmc to record regular cablecard channels if you can view them ok? Thanks!!

i've turned off windows aero and i am impressed by the performance. i am able to view all the conventional channels. i am working on bitstreaming issue but ... that's another post.

I've read that my cable co. (charter --CT area) doesn't use any copy once tags and most are copy freely.

will kodi allow me to order serverwmc to record the conventional channels if i am able to view them? i can't find a list of CCI information. (which channels have the drm and which flags)

my question is if this is a possibility or if just homerunPrime and WMC can do actual recordings.

I can't ask it to record any channel as it stands now. kodi and the server both live on same pc.
surely don't need the smb settings for this? nothing complains of access.

my serverwmc just pops up generic error. i can't see anything in the logs...


thanks for your help.
This is almost a moot point now

I have been told kodi won't bitstream in live tv. This is the saddest thing ever. The pcm it produces is very noticeably flatter than real life signal.

I will try media center more. Thanks for listening.
If the channels are flagged copy-freely then you have a choice of a number of back ends as the DVR. For copy-once channels, WMC is the only answer right now.

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