Time Sync?
I know this project is in the very early stage of development, but I've been wondering something for a long time. Does anyone know if it's even feasible for XBMC to eventually have time sync for music, the way that sonos and now squeezebox do? i.e. two separate devices play the same song at exactly the same time, so that if you are in a listening area where both can be heard, they are not playing out of sync.

I'm not making a request, just trying to figure out if it's technically possible.
http://xboxmediacenter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6207 Wink
Yeah, I remember reading that thread awhile back. The reason I thought I'd post it here is because now that we're not confined to the xbox, it seems more possibilities open up. But as a non-programmer I don't know what's possible and what's not, hence my question.
This might be way wrong as I haven't looked too closely but I think you can install: PulseAudio sound server on two computer and they should sync if configured right.. But this is mostly rumours I've heard about it Smile
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
From what little I can gather, it does seem like this might solve the problem. But I BARELY got XBMC working -- setting this up is way beyond my abilities. I did see something encouraging:

Quote:MPlayer ¶

PulseAudio support is included in the current SVN version of MPlayer:

svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer

Make it the default by changing the line starting with ao= in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf:


Alternatively you can pass the audio driver name on MPlayer's command line:

% mplayer -ao pulse movie.avi

MPlayer also works with the pulseaudio alsa plugin as configured above. To get volume control working, configure MPlayer to use alsa instead of oss in mplayer.conf:


If that's true, does that mean that PulseAudio will come to XBMC by default? Does it also need to be installed on the source server, or just the clients (as I suspect and hope)?
Pulse is the default sound server in hardy heron (ubuntu 8.04, due out next month) which will probably become the preferred dev platform. At that point it's very likely to be supported for base functionality at least.
Platform-independent ideas can also be discussed in the Xbox feature-suggestion topic-thread (as Xbox can be one of those platforms).

As for it only implemented under XBMC for Linux, sorry but the "no feature requests" rule still applies here.
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