Kodi Voice Search No Longer Working With Android TV 7
Hi all, I have searched but have not came across anyone else having the same issue:
It seems that after the android TV 7 upgrade with the new assistant, and the latest nightly of v18 voice input no longer works on Kodi as it once did see:
Does anyone know of a fix, or a build that it works on?

Why aren't more people talking about this? I dunno why it hasn't been fixed in later builds.
I have ouya was working with kodi 14.2 so when I want to download the new kodi doesn't let me . I desided to delete kodi 14.2 then download it again so when I get to Fusion doesn't want to work . Please someone can help me how to install kodi on ouya .
I start traying installing CYANOGENMOD MOD 11 but when I get to the middle of the instructions little bit hard to continue . Someone please explain to me step by step .

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Kodi Voice Search No Longer Working With Android TV 71