Kodi automatic shutdown not working anymore

I have a strange issue lately. So far automatic shutdown was working perfectly fine.

What changed is I added a Trak.tv plugin and switched from emby to plex connect.

I read that both my account and the master account must have shutdown enabled to work (which is odd since I didn't update kodi and it was working before). But I noticed it indeed make it work... at least as long as I don't play videos. So I tried launching as video with the shortest (5 mins) delay, and it worked.
But once I use it like I'm use to, watching a tv show or a movie at night, it stops working. It's been more than 10 hours and it still is running.

Has anyone any advice on how I should pursue debugging on that matter?
I really need that feature.

Here is some information about my Kodi version:
Starting Kodi (17.3 Git:17.3-Krypton). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Running on OpenELEC (official) - Version: 8.0.4, kernel: Linux x86 64-bit version 4.9.30
I would rather avoid unnecessary upgrade (unless it is a know bug fixed in a later version), since it was working fine before.
My next test would be to deactivate Trak.tv plugin and see if it was the culprit. Although I would prefer understanding why it fails to shutdown so I can fix the root issue.

Thanks in advance.
As OpenELEC currently isn't under development anymore (at least for the last 10 months) I would recommend to upgrate/migrate to LibreELEC. If it might be some issue with OpenELEC itself you can't expect a fix in the foreseeable future.

Migrating from OpenELEC 8.0.4 is pretty easy. Just download the matching .tar file for your device from here: http://archive.libreelec.tv/

Put that into the update folder and reboot. Then just wait until the migration process has finished (LE will reboot itself after and will then boot into Kodi).

Note: backups won't hurt. Normally it's straight forward, but you never know Wink
Thanks, I didn't know about openelec. I just upgraded it to librelec.
I'll see where it goes from there.

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Kodi automatic shutdown not working anymore0