NFS discovery
I'm having an issue getting my nfs shares to show up when adding a file location in a kodi client. I'm curios what kodi uses to search the network for nfs shares? The shares do show up when I run showmount. While testing I put together a bare minimum ubuntu install and just added nfs-kernel-server and some exports. This one shows up fine to the kodi clients even without installing avahi but using nfs-ganesha or compiling libreelec with nfs support in it the clients cant find the nfs shares. I can manually configure them and they work but I'm wondering what service announces these shares or how kodi polls for them? Sorry if my question is confusing.
Looking at source it appears libnfs is what's used so I'm guessing rpcbind is my issue.
make sure your server supports NFSv3 and has the "insecure" option in exports

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