Cannot compile Kodi Krypton 17.6 in Ubuntu Xenial armhf
Hello everyone. I am trying to compile Kodi 17.6 for Ubuntu Xenial armhf, in an ASUS TinkerBoard. I am using different source packages, including the ones from the Kodi Stable PPA; I previously installed all the dependencies from the corresponding PPA.

But I always get stuck when compiling GLContextEGL.cpp, with the error "‘XVisualInfo’ does not name a type". I have also tried using Ubuntu Bionic sources, and also sources from Deb-multimedia Stretch-backports repo, all with the same results. But those packages compile for armhf in Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Bionic, so I see no reason why they shouldn't compile in Xenial.

Here is my config.log:
And this is the relevant part of the compile log:

Any help is much appreciated.

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Cannot compile Kodi Krypton 17.6 in Ubuntu Xenial armhf0