v18 MythTV "GetStreamTimes" video buffering errors
I get thousands of the following errors and the video replay of MythTV recorded material visibly drops a lot of video frames.

16:51:25.600 T:140575969855232 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
16:51:25.689 T:140576045389568   ERROR: GetStreamTimes: Add-on 'MythTV (xbmc-3):http://localhost:6544' returned an error: rejected by the backend
About the ERROR GetStreamTimes: The error "REJECTED" occurs calling the function GetStreamTimes when live stream is not spawned. PVR shouldn't  call this while live stream isn't opened successfully (see OpenLiveStream) or the live stream is being closing.
It is not critical but it just show a flow issue.
About WARNING CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer. Probably it needs more data reading ahead of the stream. It is "normal" event in my opinion.
You should see also others errors related a flow issue when closing live stream:

00:16:25.423 T:139943318870400 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
00:16:25.423 T:139943318870400 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
00:16:25.483 T:139941526869760 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
00:16:25.484 T:139941526869760 NOTICE: Closing stream player 1
00:16:25.573 T:139939796629248 NOTICE: CMixer::OnExit: Output Thread terminated
00:16:25.574 T:139941526869760 NOTICE: Closing stream player 3
00:16:25.807 T:139942754305792 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms
00:16:25.854 T:139939966613248   ERROR: SignalQuality: Add-on 'MythTV (bart.localdomain):' returned an
error: the command failed
00:16:25.854 T:139943318870400 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
00:16:25.855 T:139943318870400 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Close

Here SignalQuality was called while live stream is being closed. It is not critical because the addon rejected the call. So the error can be ignored.
Thanks for your responses Janbar. The errors are not generated when the stream is closing ... they are generated during playing (and closing). But your responses just prompts me to check my HDD as it may be failing (it is 5 years old) ... will run some performance checks on it Wink . Thanks

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MythTV "GetStreamTimes" video buffering errors0