XMLTV TV_Grab_file workings
I've set up the internal TV Grab File and all is well I'm just curious how and where the info is coming from.  I've change my XML which I get from ZAP TV via my Windows 7 PC so the the Genre (<category lang="en">) includes Genre + S00E00 + first aired date info.  None of this info is present in my epg just  Season x * Episode x * Genre info.  It looks identical to the info on HD Homeruns "unoffical" addon for Kodi.  So I thought my file is ignored and TVHeadEnd just gets the info from my HDHomeRun tuners.  Its just curious when I uploaded a NEW file I get newer information but still in the format of HDHomerun e.g. Season X * Episode X* Genre.  Anybody has any clues?

Curious in Toronto.

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XMLTV TV_Grab_file workings0