Difference between xbmc and xbmc CVS
i have a question.
what is the difference between ex xbmc 040427 and
xbmc cvs build 040427.
and if there is an difference, do you install the cvs as you do with the "normal" xbmc
i were thinking that maybe cvs were an inofficial release,
but maybe im way off Smile
Quote:cvs: concurrent versions system

every release thus far of xbmc has been a cvs release its just about once a month ind compiles a "proper" build (an as bug free cvs as possible release) which gets put on xbins.

there's a daily cvs which the devs upload the source code for on the sourceforge website, and if you have the right tools (xbox development kit- only available legally to m$ appointed xbox developers, and visual studio .net) you can compile the the latest cvs yourself.

there are others who compile and distribute cvs builds more frequently from the "usual sources"

there's a sticky at the top of the support forum telling you how to compile the source but not telling you where to get the tools from, and asking for them or where to find them on here will probably land you in hot water

the developers never release the the binaries (the contents of the rar file) themselves- just the source code- even when v1.0 and subsequent official versions come out

thx for a very good reply. now i know the difference.

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Difference between xbmc and xbmc CVS0