Kodi Kore App doesnt work on 18.1
I installed Kodi 18.1 on my Sony Bravia XD8005 TV. The official remote app Kore recognize the TV with Kodi but cant connect to it. My normal TV Control App works fine only the Kore app wont work. Most of the time, the app wont even find Kodi. Sometimes it recognize kodi but it cant connect. i enabled all the settings from the FAQ section of kore. Controll of XBMC via HTTP and allow other systems to control XBMC. But i dont know, why i cant connect the app to kodi. Is there any bug i dont know?
I'm not sure but I was having a similar issue when I first tried to use Kore. It turned out to be my firewall that was preventing it from connecting. I would check the settings on the TV and possibly your router. Something might be getting blocked.

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Kodi Kore App doesnt work on 18.10