TV Tunes... does it still exist?
I just did a complete re-install of the latest Kodi version from the Google Play Store on my Nvidia Shield TV.  I'm trying to set it all up again, but now I can't find the TV Tunes add-on in the standard repository.  Am I missing something?  

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
No it does not exist in the Kodi repo. It is banned as it breaches copyright by allowing downloading of musical works.

The approved replacement is this one...
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(2019-08-07, 04:51)Karellen Wrote: No it does not exist in the Kodi repo. It is banned as it breaches copyright by allowing downloading of musical works.

The approved replacement is this one...
Thank you, I'll check it out.

Daaaaaamn!  I wish I wouldn't have re-installed Kodi.  It was crashing on launch due to TheTVDB's new API, and after a couple of days I still hadn't found a fix and was getting impatient, so I wiped and started fresh.  About two hours later I figured out a likely fix/workaround.  Definitely regretting my decision to re-install.  Sad
Oh, a shame you missed this post before reinstalling...
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(2019-08-07, 05:01)Karellen Wrote: Oh, a shame you missed this post before reinstalling...

Yup, I found that thread just after I had re-installed, while I was setting up my library all over again.  Sad

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TV Tunes... does it still exist?0