[Request] Python custom font support
I'm working on a default skin for a script, and I noticed my font is different on every available skin, I was wondering if it's possible to add support to creating a custom font, for example; by using a shared font, such as arial.ttf on Xbox, any font in the Windows font folder or even maybe add a font to script directory.
Not supported at the moment as far as I'm aware. I believe there's been some discussion about this in the past - mind doing a quick search through the forums (python + skin) and seeing what you dredge up?

I'm certainly open to improving the font support for skins (which would also thus fix it for python) - at the moment, for instance, the size of the font is defined in font.xml and is unalterable without adding a new one to font.xml first. Instead, IMO we should define in font.xml the fontset, which basically describes:

1. The font file to use.
2. A scaling (x and y) of any font file to make it consistent across fontsets.

The rest can be defined at the control level (i.e. size, color, effects).

This requires a bit of thought as I don't want to have to do it more than once (as it's likely to break stuff!)

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[Request] Python custom font support0