23.976fps vs 24.00fps + weird EDID issue.

I have some videos with framerate 23.976fps, some 24fps. 23.976fps plays fine at exact framerate, however 24fps is playing at 60fps.

Looking at available modes either in Kodi whitelist or with "xrandr" in command line, I see that indeed I only have 23.976fps framerate available, no 24fps. So Kodi thinks it's better to convert to 60fps to get more accurate timing.

Is there any way to make Kodi accept 23.976 and 24fps as same mode? It's only 0.1% difference.. Surely it would work even with passthrough audio? Skip or double every 1000th frame. That's much better than this 24->60 conversion.

There's also interesting EDID issue. I have a Denon AVR and Optoma projector. If I only have Denon powered,  projector off, and boot the machine, I get this setup that 23.976fps is available and 24fps isn't. If I have both Denon and projector powered and reboot, 23.976fps is no longer available, but 24fps is! So in theory I can watch any video with correct framerate, if I power up my devices in correct sequence. Smile

I have read both EDID's and can "fake" them so system boots even with the AVR off. But still I'm unable to get system that supports both 23.976 and 24fps at the same time. Is there a way to combine the modes from two different EDID files?

I'm running an Ubuntu 20.10 linux box with NVidia GPU, Kodi 18.9.
I just tried to disable audio passthrough and set "Sync Playback to Display".. Interestingly, that makes no difference. Kodi still thinks 24fps is best to play at 60fps instead of 23.976Hz..
Use a EDID editor, e.g. Deltacast E-EDID Editor.
You should be able to create separate 24Hz and 23.976Hz resolutions on Nvidia. I manage to do so under Windows, don't know about Linux.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Ok I managed to add Modelines to xorg.conf. Now I have both 23.976 and 24.00 available. Smile

Still I think it's a Kodi bug that it prefers 24->60 to 24->23.976?
No. That's okay as is. Only just one is "nearer" to the res, does not mean, that slowdown should be preferred. And with 3:2 Pulldown it "nicely fits" into 60 hz, especially with Sync Playback to Display enabled.

Btw. you can fine tune this behaviour with advancedsettings.xml if the defaults don't fit your needs.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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23.976fps vs 24.00fps + weird EDID issue.0