Beta Movies On The Run (MOTR)
MOTR is a project I am working on for some time:

Short explained:
It is a windows service to serve files to all kinds of MOTR-clients, including Kodi v19 Matrix and Android.
A poor mans Plex if you might.
You can queue up handbreak jobs and the server will convert movies one-by-one.
You can also queue up downloads to android-clients.

I travel a lot and lack of wifi requires me to have files stored locally.
Also I had an idea that why cannot the server convert files and notify my phone to download it?
Projected started small and got bigger. Now it is 95% ready to be tested on the masses.
My beta-testers say the usually prefer MOTR instead of Plex in some cases, that is cool.

Newer windows version with .Net 4.7.2
(Tested on Win10, Win2016 server, Win2019 server)

Software is in beta, please create issues in github to get bugreports organized.
This software is not based on .net core (which I am currently using for webhosting).
Webserver is a very simple service, with integrated SSLStream support using TLS1.2 and is not build to handle 100 of users.

Download: (2,38 MB)

If you want to see the solution in action without installing it yourself, check out the test-server:

Username: test
Password: welcome

Download Kodi addon:
Source here:
Download archive here:

Extract directory "script.motr" to %appdata%\Kodi\Kodi\addons
You'll find "Movies on the run" under "Video addon" tab.

Setup as follow to test-server:
Port: 880
SSL: off
Username: test
Password: welcome


Port: 4444
SSL: on

Your choice Smile

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Movies On The Run (MOTR)0