v19 Live Programme Flag
Hi Martin,
Couple of quick questions.
How does NextPVR identify Live TV Programmes that show the 'live' flag on the EPG screen (well, in Estuary it's actually a * and text description). I'm currently testing a few channels with both Schedules Direct guide data and also the xmltv file I extracted from my enigima2 device. Both are missing some 'Live' flags, but the SD data is probably performing better from what I've witnessed so far.
Is there a template anywhere I can add additional programmes that always broadcast 'Live' that are not showing up as 'Live' currently? This is something that does exist on the VU+/Enigma2 client, but wasn't sure if same kind of thing was available for NextPVR as I wasn't able to find anything?
I've searched in the Kodi addon settings and the NextPVR folder on my C:\ for any clues. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction when you get a moment to advise if this feature is available somewhere?
NextPVR doesn't support this from SD specifically so @sub3 would need to provide input but I am guessing he uses (when available) liveTapeDelay == Live  to force Live into the significance field and he also flags the EPG entry as firstrun

I then use a  hierarchy https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.nextpvr/...G.cpp#L145 to flag what text should be shown so that Live has the highest priority.

Okay. Thanks for the feedback.
Good to know I wasn't missing some hidden setting or file somewhere

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