Unable to launch Kodi on Mac OS BigSur
I am unable to launch Kodi on my MacBook. It starts up and flashes a black screen and then reverts back to my wallpaper and freezes my screen. The dock even disappears until I use the app switcher and which case it allows me to use another app on another screen but not the screen where Kodi is unresponsive and not showing the menu. Again, all I see is my wallpaper and not the app but that app says "application not responding. Kodi was working for me last night and recently just started having this error. 

I've included the log report for what I can find.
I used https://paste.kodi.tv/ and when I pressed save it doesn't save the log file here. I'm not sure how to post the log here to the forum?
(2021-10-28, 16:22)Todoroki Wrote: I used https://paste.kodi.tv/ and when I pressed save it doesn't save the log file here. I'm not sure how to post the log here to the forum?

after pressing Save copy the URL from browser's address bar
please also attach debug log: https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Advanced
I ws looking for the userdata folder supposed to be found here /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/ but I am not seeing a Kodi folder. I deleted Kodi and redownloaded Kodi 19.3 and still no folder was found. Still getting the blank Kodi with attempting to load the new Kodi 19.3 download. I searched for the user data folder on my hard drive and still no luck. Any idea where else I can search on a Mac?
I mean the application support folder doesn't have a Kodi folder in it.
Logs are stored in ~/Library/Logs/ as kodi.log and kodi.old.log
I posted the log that I found in the log folder. The user Kampala asked me to attach the debug log, which I am not entirely sure how to do, even after following the instruction from the link her provided.

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Unable to launch Kodi on Mac OS BigSur0