Linux Just upgraded to 20.0 and DLNA now not showing m3u playlists
The m3u files are just in folders added under videos, and always fine before upgrade - now just empty folder when I look with a DLNA client.
Something changed ??
Investigating further I downgraded back to earlier release from the ppa:team-xbmc/kodi-old respository, and playlists are visible again on my DLNA device (a Quest 2).
On the Nexus release, I can see the M3U files in the video folders, but they are not shown when browsing DLNA.
Not sure if this is a bug in Nexus, or there is some new configuration required to deliver M3U via DLNA - anybody know ?

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Just upgraded to 20.0 and DLNA now not showing m3u playlists0