Information shortcut key.
Hi there. So, the weirdest thing happened. I think since I upgraded to the latest version of Kodi. 

On all my Asian movies, when I press "i" for information, nothing happens. But on all other movies, no problem. I can still right click on the Asian movie with mouse and choose information, but the shortcut key no longer works. That it only affects Asian movies makes it even more mysterious.

Anyone have any ideas?
That sounds very weird.
You didn't experience this in Kodi 19?

Can you please try if it's the same issue in Estuary skin?
Hi Gade. Switched, and same problem. What is going on?

Nope, just in the latest update. Was fine before.
Should I start a new thread since it doesn't appear to be skin related?
just a suggestion to get started

a debug log would show events for "keyboard scancode" then you could determine if kodi saw a keypress at all and then if it did it would show which keypress

if it shows a keypress during an asian movie then comparing the keycode to a movie where i actually does work could potentially reveal something
(2023-02-19, 04:51)Pitman33 Wrote: On all my Asian movies, when I press "i" for information, nothing happens
Are the movies already scraped into the library or are you pressing "i" to start the scraping process?
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Thanks jepsizofye. I could do a bug log if that helps.

Karellen, the movies are all previously scraped. 

I started a debug logging session. I went into recently added movies. Used "i" to see the info on "Can't Hardly Wait" - no problem. Then I scrolled down to a Korean movie "The Witch" and tried to view the information by pressing "i". Nothing happened. So I used the right mouse button and selected "information" to see it. That worked. And while in the information screen, I pressed "i" and that did exit me from the information screen. But I can no longer call up the info screen by using "i" anymore on any Asian movies.

Log is here:

I think I may need to revert back to the previous version of Kodi. Any tips on how best to do that?
Anybody look at the log, and have any idea what would cause this?
LOL. Guess I stumped everyone. It is a bizarre bug, must admit.

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Information shortcut key.0