v21 Judder on some 720p videos
I use Kodi to playback TVHeadend OTA recordings on my 2019 Shield TV Pro.  Lately I've been having judder problems on some ABC 720p recordings.  This was happening with Nexus and now Omega.  The problems don't seem to occur when I'm watching live 720p TV in Kodi.  Some recordings (i.e., AFV) never have problems.  Other recordings (The Connors, Will Trent) will have judder problems most of the time.  Sometimes it will play without judder if I restart Kodi.  However sometimes I will see the screen momentarily go black like it does during a resolution change and then the judder will start happening again. 

I have my resolution set to 3840x2160p @ 59.94Hz and the player to adjust refresh rate on start/stop.  Whitelisting a resolution doesn't seem to adjust resolution during playback of a recording, just when watching live TV.  However it does allow me to select a different resolution during recording playback.  My current workaround for this is to whitelist 3840x2160 @ 29.87Hz.  This resolution eliminates the judder (1280x720p @ 59.94Hz doesn't) and allows me to select it during playback.  

Are there some recommended settings to fix this or a better workaround?
2019 Shield TV Pro with Tvheadend Client (Kodi) | Ugoos X3 Cube with CoreELEC as a Tvheadend server
Samsung UN65JS8500 TV | Onkyo TX-NR646 Receiver | HD Homerun Quatro Tuner
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
Kodi logfile uploaded - https://paste.kodi.tv/kecapifipu
2019 Shield TV Pro with Tvheadend Client (Kodi) | Ugoos X3 Cube with CoreELEC as a Tvheadend server
Samsung UN65JS8500 TV | Onkyo TX-NR646 Receiver | HD Homerun Quatro Tuner
Some follow-up information.  If I play the recordings directly from the TVHeadend server (Ugoos X3 Cube running the TVHeadend server in CoreELEC) which is connected directly to the same TV I don't get the judder.  And if I play the same recording from my HD TV in my bedroom (Firestick 4K running Kodi) I don't get the judder.  

One thing I noticed.  Kodi is reporting my screen resolution as 3840x2160 @ 29.97Hz (not forcing the 3840x2160 @ 29.97Hz resolution) but my TV is reporting it is receiving 3840x2160 / 60p (it appears to round up the resolution).
2019 Shield TV Pro with Tvheadend Client (Kodi) | Ugoos X3 Cube with CoreELEC as a Tvheadend server
Samsung UN65JS8500 TV | Onkyo TX-NR646 Receiver | HD Homerun Quatro Tuner
Well, the 3840x2160 @ 29.97Hz isn't a good solution, see this thread:

However, I've found that if I do one 30 sec fast forward and three 10 second reverses then the judder usually stops, sometimes I have to repeat it.  And sometimes fast forwarding will introduce the problem. 

Not the best workaround for the WAF, it would be nice to know what I need to do to stop it.
2019 Shield TV Pro with Tvheadend Client (Kodi) | Ugoos X3 Cube with CoreELEC as a Tvheadend server
Samsung UN65JS8500 TV | Onkyo TX-NR646 Receiver | HD Homerun Quatro Tuner

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Judder on some 720p videos0