Kodi won't connect to new NAS
Hello everyone,

I have a problem. So far I had run a NAS where my video files are stored, a MariaDB ran on it and Kodi connected to it. This has worked for a long time now.
Now I got a new NAS. I have copied all video files to the new NAS, and I also exported the MariaDB databases from the old NAS and imported them onto the new one, and created a user 'kodi' with all permissions assigned.
The new NAS has assigned the same IP adress as the old one had (old one is disconnected).
However, Kodi won't connect to the databases. It shows the 'no content, add a source' screen.
Then I removed the imported databases from MariaDB to have Kodi create them from scratch, also no result.
Even assigning the content type to a source folder does not work, the content type is not saved, the folder still has 'none' as content type.
The log says 'unable to connect to database' and 'unable to create new database'.
Finally, just trying to play a video file from a folder crashes Kodi.

What am I doing wrong here?
We really need to see the full debug log of Kodi trying to create those new databases to have any hope of helping you.
Hey , thanks for trying to help. Seems it was just me being stupid - I had not activated the MariaDB TCP/IP connection on the new NAS - I kind of was surprised that it had to be activated manually. Now after doing that it seems to work. Sorry for asking to early, I had the idea only this morning...

So, anyone else with this kind of trouble: make sure MariaDB's TCP/IP connection is activated...

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Kodi won't connect to new NAS0