Problem with LiveTV after upgrade to Omega
After upgrade I'm having issues with streaming HD channels from NextPVR to my Chromecast with GoogleTV that is the 1080p version, it worked flawlessly on Nexus and the 4k version still works on Omega. I've tried all sorts of different cache settings but with debug enabled it seems that it really maxes out the CPU (~200% all the time) and that probably causes it to now being able to cache properly, for reference Nexus did playback at 100-120% of the same channel?
Thread moved to NextPVR support section
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This is going to turn out to not to be a pvr.nextpvr issue since Live TV didn't change for Omega, and your have confirmed that it works on another device where the code is no different however please follow the forums rules and post the Kodi debug logs so interested developers can have a look.    What utility do you use to show the CPU use? 

I do not think this is a NextPVR addon problem either but here are the logs. The CPU metrics I gathered from the OSD display running in debug mode

Nexus (for reference):
Sorry, just noticed I forgot debug turned on, here are the new logs for Omega
It is very likely the same h264 issue reported with TVHeadend files here maybe @fritsch can see something in those logs.  These files are usually only from PVR.

If it is the h/w you might want to see how a dedicated NextPVR Android client like uidroid works with the Media3 Exoplayer engine.

Possibly but I doubt it since it worked in the previous version of Kodi 🤷‍♂️
Are you doubting that it is a h264 1080i stream or the comments in the other thread?  Perhaps you had just enough CPU not to notice in Nexus.
That it is in fact the same issue as the other thread, although I haven't tested VLC or another player Nexus played the streams without any issue what so ever. IMHO something must be off with Omega to make the playback use almost double the CPU for playing.
(2024-05-20, 13:52)Langelus Wrote: That it is in fact the same issue as the other thread, although I haven't tested VLC or another player Nexus played the streams without any issue what so ever. IMHO something must be off with Omega to make the playback use almost double the CPU for playing.

I understand but the moderator has moved the post so it won't get attention from Android video player experts, I can only link to possible problems even when there are no solutions.  My feeling is your device is older  and not powerful so it shouldn't be using CPU for video playback.  Maybe you have enabled deinterlacing in Omega which will use even more CPU see if you can turn that off  The reason I referred you to uidroid twice was to see if it supported h/w playback.  That previous post I flagged as chatbot spam so ignore it.

Failing all that you probably need to gather your debug logs from both Nexus and Omega and open an issue on GitHub.  Don't do it on pvr.nextpvr it is not an addon issue.

No worries Martin, I do understand the issue as well. 

The Chromecast with GoogleTV models aren't that old actually, the 4k version released in 2020-2021 sometime and the FullHD version in 2022.

I don't want to come off as an rude ass because I do appreciate all the hard work that goes into maintaining and supporting these kinds of softwares and them being free and opensource is mindboggling in it's own, but I do agree with you that the mods in this case should not have moved the thread to try to push the problem over to someone else when much points to a mainproduct problem rather than addon issue.
(2024-05-20, 19:15)Langelus Wrote: I do agree with you that the mods in this case should not have moved the thread to try to push the problem over to someone else when much points to a mainproduct problem rather than addon issue.

Next time, just report it if it's been moved wrongly and we can sort it out. I only just happened to see this, and am happy to correct it if required.

We try our best, but don't always get it right Wink

Anyway, where would be more appropriate for it? Video support maybe?
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Thanks.  When it was first moved here I noted it was not a pvr.nextpvr issue, next time, I will flag a move to another forum and hope it doesn't come back.  Reporting doesn't always work, I reported that "buymode" was a chatbot spammer but the post is still here.

Anyway looking at the logs it probably should be the Android General Support but even then the OP noted this works on Android on another player and it is specific to his original GCCGTV.  

(2024-05-20, 23:35)emveepee Wrote: I will flag a move to another forum and hope it doesn't come back.
I'll move it to Android.

I saw your report on buymode. I agree that it is most likely a bot, but as it has breached no forum rules, I didn't delete it. Different if it had questionable links in it.
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Problem with LiveTV after upgrade to Omega0