Dolby Vision on Lenovo Pro tablets
As far as I know Lenovo is one the few manufactures that make Oled tabs with Dolby Vision support (The Samsung Oled tabs does not have that)

However, I have never got Dolby Vision to work in Kodi on the Lenovo.

The files i am trying works perfectly with Dolby Vision in Kodi on my Philips OLED TV and Shield.

I have searched and found others with similar problems on the Lenovo P12 Pro

I have the Lenovo P11 Pro myself right now, but am interested in getting  the Lenovo Tab Extreme (Legion Y900) 14" Oled with Dolby Vision if I can get it to work with Kodi

Any hints or suggestions ?
There's a Video section in the system info that tells you what HDR formats the OS supports. You could start by checking there.
Otherwise post a debug log.
The video section says its supported, here is a log from playing a Dolby Vision file:

What I can see myself is:

GetDolbyVisionCapabilities Display: true, MediaCodec: true


ffmpeg[0x0]: [hevc] Multiple Dolby Vision RPUs found in one AU. Skipping previous
2024-05-14 05:12:07.647 T:8434    debug <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::ConfigureMediaCodec Color primaries: AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED
2024-05-14 05:12:07.647 T:8434    debug <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::ConfigureMediaCodec Transfer characteristic: AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED
2024-05-14 05:12:07.647 T:8434    debug <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::InjectExtraData
2024-05-14 05:12:07.669 T:8434    error <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::ConfigureMediaCodec: configure failed
2024-05-14 05:12:07.669 T:8434     info <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
2024-05-14 05:12:07.670 T:8434    debug <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg - Updated codec: ff-hevc

That's more of a problem. Won't work in HDR that way. I would start with a standard DV file
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
OK, but this file works perfect with Dolby Vision on several other android players I have (Shield, Philips OLED TV, Google Chromecast) - using the same current version of Kodi.

I have a log on another file that I tried (that also works on the other players) but I found the same error fritsch posted there.
Your firmware does not seem to support a hw decoder for this kind of codec and falls back to SW.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
OK, thanks.
I found a post on reddit regarding Lenovo P12 Pro and Dolby Vision and that it did not work in Kodi - however, the person got it to work playing the file from Google Photos (?)

I tried the same thing and the color are correct when I play from Google Photos.
I also have the Lenovo P11 Pro and have been unable to get any DV file to play in Kodi.

Tried many different builds including quietvoids work before it was merged in to master.

Every time no matter what profile version of DV I tried I would just get a black screen in Kodi with a bit of audio and then nothing.

I know this isn't particularly helpful to fix the "issue" in Kodi but I tested many different applications to play these files and ended up using Emby with JustPlayer (Legacy) as an external player.

Emby plays the DV files perfectly but when a file has dolby audio it tries to use ffmpeg software decoding and stutters like crazy, DTS audio files play fine with DV enabled.

Using Justplayer (Legacy) as an external player has no issues playing files with Dolby audio as well as DTS so I just have it set to use that for all files now.

I would assume that Emby or Justplayer are using some hacky solution to get around the firmware reporting that DV is not supported which I know the Kodi developers have been trying to move away from using for some time now.
Please try this: when it's ready ... it's called nonsense - but I want to find out what we get.

Btw. can you provide the adb logcat as well? Maybe your firmware tells us what it does not like.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I uninstalled Kodi and installed that build now, restarted the tablet and started a Dolby Vision file - unfortunately i still have the same problem.

I will provide an adb logcat later, my tablet is not rooted so I have to install adb tools somewhere - after work.
(2024-05-16, 05:19)Pulver Wrote: I uninstalled Kodi and installed that build now, restarted the tablet and started a Dolby Vision file - unfortunately i still have the same problem.

I will provide an adb logcat later, my tablet is not rooted so I have to install adb tools somewhere - after work.

Thanks. That was just a try setting default color transfer and color profile ... your logcat is the right thing.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Im connected with adb to the tablet, does anyone have good command to capture the right information from an external computer ?

adb logcat > log.txt gives too much and unreadable information.

Should I filter out only Kodi information ? and should it be filtered with only debug or error information ?
Hard to say. Check for stuff like: Surfaceflinger, Mediacodec and Exception. Should be "near" kodi's OpenFile print.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
OK, here is something:

Its just a part, let me know if anything is missing.
Im assuming that mt tablet show the same problem as the other recent posted Lenovo pro tablet ?

A "blackbox" that Kodi cannot read ?

Too bad - it would be great wth a Oled tablet with Dolby Vision support i Kodi.

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