Adding TV shows to library
Hi all,

I have got a working version of xbmc working, running off a usb key so its the live version.

I had the harddrive which has my tv shows and set the content but it doesnt bother scanning the content and so i cant enable library mode. It works for dvd's though

my file structure is

Blackadder folder

Season folder

Season One

then:- Blackadder - S01E01 - The Foretelling
cant xbmc understand this structure - i have read the info regarding structures for video but was not really sure if mine was right

any help is great

give an explicit example, what are those season folders and whatnot?
Or just use something like:

TV/Blackadder/Season 1/Blackadder - S01E01 - The Foretelling.avi
hotzenpl0tz Wrote:Or just use something like:

TV/Blackadder/Season 1/Blackadder - S01E01 - The Foretelling.avi

Thats exactly what mine looks like sorry if there was any confusion - i take it then that xbmc can understand this file structure - so why wont it go and scrape all the details of the internet and let me start the library!!!
Where and how did you set contents?
Have you read the docs on this?

PS Blackadder is special in a way that there is no consensus if it should be Black Adder or Blackadder.
If you are using theTVDB you should be fine though since they use BlackAdder
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