Working on a DVD duplication feature - starting guidance needed?
I'm interested in building a feature for XBMC Linux that lets me do a dumb duplicate of a DVD (no ripping or deCSSing or such) into an ISO so that I can do unattanded duplication of my DVDs into a gigantic NAS.

I imagine I would try doing something as simple as calling
dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/username/dvdcopy.iso

to get started, perhaps eventually turning it into a proper DVD ripping interface with all the necessary goodies.

I know how to code in C++, Python, or can figure out whatever else is necessary. I just need some guidance on where to get started by someone who gets how XBMC is built. Is this the kind of thing best suited for a Plugin? A Script? Do I have to dig into the core code of XBMC? If so, what cpp files would I want to start looking at to get started?

Thanks in advance.
I don't understand why dumping to NAS would be an XBMC feature. You could easily do this outside of XBMC and avoid all the complications that XBMC might add.
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Well, the idea of XBMC Live port is basically that it functions like an appliance, correct?

I know how to copy a DVD to an ISO and store the iso locally. I just want to have the convenience of putting the DVD into this XBMC appliance and with two button presses rip it to DVD, similar to what LinuxMCE already does. The fact is, I own a DVD library that is extensive, and I want to have a two click way of duplicating a DVD.

All I need is someone to point me to where to start looking to find where to start coding. If I wanted to do this, would I be talking about a plugin? A script? Or modiying the core code?
A plugin should do, people have already made simple plugins to exectute shell commands.
Find one of those in the forum and add to it.
should be more info on the wiki about the plugins
depends on the functionality you'd like. i'm still not sure on the difference between a script and a plugin, but with a script at least you'd have to go into scripts and click your script to have it rip. You may not have much control over canceling or showing progress on the rip and i'm not sure you can background it.

if you want to insert the dvd and have a pop-up that gives you the options to play or rip, then we're probably talking about modifying core code.
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I am searching for this exact feature....I am working on an XBMC build so i can get away from my escient media server which is practically feature-less. the new escient and the kalaidescape both support this type of feature, and i am kind of surprised XBMC doesn't already have it.
I can't code, but would be happy to beta test or offer ideas.

That's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks much, man!
Mythbuntu has this option, therefore working on the basis that it is also running on ubuntu it cant be that difficult to do.
Here is what I have done so far.

I've started to create my own dvd ripping facility for XBMC for linux. I was searching everywhere for this feature but for some reason no one has created it.

I was wondering if anyone else would like to help develop this so we can make it a nice feature!!

1st of all I installed dvdbackup onto Ubuntu from the standard repo.

Then as I have no knowledge whatsoever of python I found a simple command line for dvdbackup that worked under terminal:-

dvdbackup -M -o /home/paul(as thats my login home dir)/Videos

This creates a directory taken from the name of the dvd and copies the VIDEO_TS folder into it.

I then checked in XBMC and this found it fine and as the name was correct found the artwork etc and it plays fine.

Then I managed to create a simple file and added my ./xbmc directory under scripts. The file is simply as follows.


import os
os.system("dvdbackup -M -o /home/paul/Videos")I then accessed this script in XBMC and it worked great with a running message next to it until it had completed.

I then moved this into a directory called DVD RIP with a image named default.tbn and put this directory into my ./XBMC/plugins/video directory.

Now I can access this from watch my videos, video plugin.

Here is where I would love someone to help develop.

2 Things.

1. I would love it to show the progress instead of at the moment it just comes up saying LOADING DIRECTORY RETRIEVED 0 ITEMS until compete.

2. There is another command we can add to dvdbackup making the command:-

dvdbackup -M -n NAMEOFTHEMOVIE -o /home/paul/Videos

What i would like is a menu asking the NAMEOFTHEMOVIE so in XBMC we can either use a keyboard or a remote to name the movie correctly so it will then always come up correct.

I have no idea how to even start with these options and of course although we can change the destination to be where we always store our movies it would maybe be nice if we could also ask "Where would you like this movie".

Any Ideas.


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Working on a DVD duplication feature - starting guidance needed?0