Filter content from movies
Is there a screen filter plugin much like this clearplay
A plug in to run a video through and select content to be excluded from a movie ex, F word, nudity, drugs, violence, singing..... just have an automatic mute for language and blur or black out sexual, drug , or violent scenes. An extra beef up to the Parental Controls.

Or if there is not then will any one be willing to create it. I know for our family we could watch a lot of movie with out having to sit there and fast forward or hit the mute button. Plus we will not have to worry about what the children are watching.

we dont use the dvd player on the xbox or computer with XBMC we mainly view all videos in avi format.

I gotta be honest with you... XBMC community development is typically focused on getting ANY content onto the system, not necessarily restricting content. It's a miracle from God if we can just get something working for everyone properly, little less making a piece of software to replace the functionality of hardware which is almost entirely impossible to do. If anyone takes on this project, I'll be too shocked for words. Good luck finding somebody to do this.
Nezter, you may want to consider doing this before encoding your dvds to avi. That way, you wouldn't need XBMC to do any filtering. Simply open your movie in a video editor, and mute the audio where needed.
Or you could just not permit your kids to watch movies not suitable for them...I don't know, call me crazy! Wink
I guess i can just go through and edit the films before hand. I hate doing that but i may just have to stick to that method
thanks though
Why would you want to do something like this anyway? Wouldn't it ruin the experience for you...I can't imagine watching a movie with every semi-violent, semi-sexual scene cut out, all profanities muted....
There are plenty of people that would want to do something like that. As for ruining the "experience," there are many people that believe that some content ruins an otherwise fine movie. There are some things people would rather not have to "experience."

Sure, a movie like Saw would probably be gutted (no pun intended) by a violence filter, but I watched "Good Will Hunting" on TNT the other day and I'm sure I enjoyed it every but as much as the person who watched the unedited version.

What I'd like to see is an open database of timecodes and content labels. That way you could look up the movie and it would tell you in minutes and seconds the open and close times for scenes containing various content types and their levels. You could then feed that information to something like ffmpeg and it would automatically excise the portions you selected.
in the words of my hero frank zappa;

"it's just words"
Guess what Nezter, Navi-X now has parental controls. I think this may be a first for XBMC so check it out. It should filter most hideous and gruesome content as long as its flagged in Navi-Xtreme. Let me know what you think of it. it's version 1.0 for the controls so we're looking to get feedback on them. It doesn't prevent the responsibility of watching what your children are watching, but it will keep at least the porno out... maybe violent content as well.

Hello thank you for posting this!!
Yes they're are many people that would be interested in this actually. Just look at the sales of 'clearplay' dvdplayers for proof. I actually own one. However if it was incorporated into xbmc it would be awesome. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make a script or plugin, i'm somewhat of a newb.

Maybe i could explain the technology a little better:
on the web site you download filters onto a usb stick. There's a usb slot on the dvdplayer you plug it into. and you're done! Just put a regular DVD in and a program (i'm guessing) recognizes the dvd, the filter on the usb, and your personal settings you've set on the menu. It then mutes/skips scenes. This seams very do-able compared to other stuff that's out there. The reason i think this would be a good idea is because of how good this product work. I've never seen anything like to this day. It edits the movies flawlessly without having to screw with your original dvd. So if you want to watch it unedited you can! I have the filters on my usb stick. They are very easy to transfer. It's like 1mb big for like 3,000 movies. It seems like if someone could create the program to mimic theirs and you could easily just save the filters from the usb stick the xbox hard drive. So there ya go i would talk more about this but gotta go!

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