How do I get my computer to automatically load XBMC when it starts up?
Is there a way or setting so that I will automatically get XBMC when I turn on my computer? I can't find a setting for it.
its in the wiki or put it in your startup folder
If you are using the starup folder, you maybe need to delay the start. On my HTPC the XBMC interferes with the firewall and its starts only in a window. 3 sec delay solves the problem!
That is why you run a little batch script with the help of "cmdow" which pushes xbmc to the front for the first minute.

Ugly.. but if you put that in your startup folder with xbmc.. things work just fine... Smile

set counter=0

set /a counter=%counter%+1

cmdow "XBMC Media Center" /ACT /TOP
ping -n 2 -w 1

If %counter% == 60 goto Exit
goto loop
I use Eventghost.
| Thermaltake DH101 | Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H | 2.13GHz INTEL Core2Duo E6400 | 2GB Corsair XMS2 | 5TB Storage | Integrated sound + nV7100 + MSI GT210 | WIN7 + XBMC Dharma 10.0 + Transparency! |

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How do I get my computer to automatically load XBMC when it starts up?0