[Windows] TV Scrapper Issues
Hello All,
I just recently switched from WMC to XBMC and am blown away by how clean and sharp XBMC looks. The only problem I am currently having is with setting up my TV shows. No matter what I do i can not get XBMC to detect my TV shows. I have tried experimenting with RegExp, renaming files, etc.

My TV Directory is setup as
C:\Media\Video\TV Shows\Deadwood\Season 1\Deadwood - s01e01 - Pilot.avi

Often times the show's will all show up at either Season -1 or it will just say Deadwood-Saeson12 for all my media files! Anyone have any suggestions?Every media file has a nfo file in my TV Shows folder, but it seems that XBMC just ignores this?

Here is my NFO file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <plot>After executing a last act of justice as a Montana marshal, Seth Bullock relocates to a gold-mining camp known as Deadwood, where he and partner Sol Star look to start a hardware business. Bullock soon crosses paths with another new arrival - legendary gunfighter Wild Bill Hickok - and clashes with the formidable boss of the Gem Saloon, Al Swearengen. For his part, Swearengen must handle the deadly result of a run-in between one of his whores and a trick, while brokering the sale of a gold claim to wealthy New York socialite Brom Garret. When reports come of the massacre of a frontier family by Indians, a suspicious Bullock and Hickok ride out in search of survivors; for Swearengen, the results are bad for business.</plot>
  <credits>|David Milch|</credits>
      <role>Seth Bullock</role>
      <name>Timothy Olyphant</name>   <thumb>http://images.thetvdb.com/banners/http://images.thetvdb.com/banners/actors/14195.jpg</thumb>
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot

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My apologies scraper.
frizat Wrote:My apologies scraper.

lol yeah, he got me on that as well Tongue

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