[LINUX] XBOX 360 Wireless Controller On Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Problems
I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 and cannot get my Wireless Xbox 360 adapter and controller to work. I have tried tons of tutorials and none seem to work on the new version of Ubuntu. Has anyone been able to install xboxdrv or get the following tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller to work on a fresh build of Ubuntu 9.10?

I think this should work on Karmic.
Those instructions are for XBMC Live 9.04.
RESOLVED: I had to use different pieces from different tutorials to finally get this to work. If someone else is having problems let me know and I can write up something.
Hi stpfarms....
Ive been through stumbling through loads of forums and post... and (somehow) managed to get the XBOXDRV working in Karmic. Smile

Some errors...but works. The main guide I followed was the one for Jaunty mentioned by "saratoga".

So my standard Crystal Xbox1 controller works with my Beta XBMC....

BUT: I have a generic Joytech wireless controller that doesn't work with this set-up. I have added it to the 'list' and now have to compile the driver (for the first time, as previously it was done for us)... So i will be trying this in karmic.

Fingers crossed. Smile

I would be very very interested in a write up... And I also think many other would also appreciate this...

Keep us posted Smile

and... i'l be back Smile
I'm trying the same thing here - wireless xbox360 controller on Karmic running XBMC Camelot. That write up would be appreciated!
stpfarms Wrote:RESOLVED: I had to use different pieces from different tutorials to finally get this to work. If someone else is having problems let me know and I can write up something.

I'm trying the same thing here - wireless xbox360 controller on Karmic running XBMC Camelot. That write up would be appreciated!
1 up for the write up Smile

Is there still the bug associated with the thumb stick axis?
Sounds like it is still needed. I have since moved to OpenSUSE but I will work on going back to Ubuntu so we can get a tutorial together for everyone.

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[LINUX] XBOX 360 Wireless Controller On Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Problems0