How do I change the blazing guitar photo in the Music section?
I've found a few alternatives that I'd like to use but can't figure out how to change the actual photo. Can anyone help?

gfrobe Wrote:I've found a few alternatives that I'd like to use but can't figure out how to change the actual photo. Can anyone help?

This is likely a skin related question. You will likely find your answer in the section dedicated to the skin you are using.
Thanks. Your reply gave me the clue to search through the skin files and I found the "music" jpg there. Thanks!
If you are using Confluence (I assume you are) there is a place in the System -> Settings that allows you to change any of the default pictures with just a couple clicks. You just browse to the picture you want and choose it and the Guitar will be replaced.
I changed the default 'Movies' and 'TV Shows' pictures so they would be different.
I like the Guitar so left that one.

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How do I change the blazing guitar photo in the Music section?0