How do I burn DVD+R/+RW DVD's for the Xbox?
is this fix in cvs now? is it avail as a binary at any of the usual places (am i allowed to ask that? y/n will suffice) but it wasn't yesterday. also what effect has it had, i.e what exactly works for you now that didn't before?

you'll have to build the binary yourself or wait for a version that has been built after 11/29.

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a few of us had a problem whereby xbmc would not read multiple avi//music files from the same (local) dvd directory. the file viewer showed the missing files as having dodgy characters on the end of the filename. the fix to iso9660.cpp has fixed this (tested on 2 xboxes already!Wink.

as tslayer says, i think you're safer getting a build from 30/nov onwards as the fix went in on the 29th so a build on this date may or may not have the fix.

i have the 11-30 build. unfortunately, it still will not read some of my dvd+r's. i can actually hear the motor clicking, trying to read the dvd in xbmc with no luck. it will even recognize the label i put on the dvd (ie it says dvd-rom - (divx)) but will not let me get to the filenames. again, the same dvd's that don't work under xbmc work fine under xbmp.

how do i prepare the dvd+rw disc for video files such as divx, xvid
, avi, etc to be able to play on xbmc ?

i wanna burn some video files onto dvd+rw media and play on xbox via xbmc.

no problem. burn as iso with either rockridge or joliet extension for long filenames. if using nero, do not check "xbox compatibility."
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(kraqh3d @ jan. 24 2006,00:26 Wrote:burn as iso with either rockridge or joliet extension for long filenames. if using nero, do not check "xbox compatibility."
yes use pure iso (not udf or udf/iso), and set bit-setting/book-type to "dvd-rom" first as some xboxes dvd-rom drives firmware don't support "dvd+r" as bit-setting/book-type
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i've got an odd problem with playback of dvd material from xbmc, when i play a dvd sometime the drive makes a continuous ticking noise followed after a few seconds by a short "farting" sound (can't think of a better description) then back to the ticking for a few secons then farting etc....

sometimes after a while of this the dvd will play, but most the disk needs ejecting and trying again.

on one of my xboxes (a 1.5) the dvd playback from xbmc is so unreliable that i have had to switch to the m$ dashboard to playback, on the other (a 1.6) it's 60/40 (60% play first time).

has anyone else got this problem?

the samsung drives can read all kinda cd's (cd / r / rw), but cannot read dvd+. that might be the clicking noise: the thing trying to calibrate into the dvd at hand.

i started with my xbox 1.0 with a philips (or was it thompson, i forget) dvd drive. but i wanted to be able to read all kinds of cd's and that i could not do with that drive. so i swapped for a samsung. at the cost of losing on dvd+ possibility.

but also to this last problem there is a solution: get a benq or other dvd burner that is able to write a different booktype to the disk being burned. i believe the 1640, by default, writes booktype dvd-rom or something: then my samsung driven xbox can read it nicely Wink

wonderful cd/dvd world Smile
sorry, i should have been more specific, these are original dvds

i'm aware of the samsung booktype +r "issues", but i never use +r media anyway Smile
i had been streaming an avi movie from my file server, but my network went down. so, i burned the movie to a dvd+rw. i was going to copy the movie from the disk to my hard drive. but when i went to the file manager it showed zero bytes and zero files on the dvd drive. the movie did start to auto-play when i put it in the drive, so i know the burn is good and that my drive can read those types of disks.

why does the manager show no files on the dvd disk?
no files show up with dvd2xbox either. wierd...
kraqh3d Wrote:no problem. burn as iso with either rockridge or joliet extension for long filenames. if using nero, do not check "xbox compatibility."

Gamester17 Wrote:yes use pure iso (not udf or udf/iso), and set bit-setting/book-type to "dvd-rom" first as some xboxes dvd-rom drives firmware don't support "dvd+r" as bit-setting/book-type

Do you also have to CLOSE the session?

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How do I burn DVD+R/+RW DVD's for the Xbox?0