Video and audio choppy
Totally new to XBMC but having problems with playback where both video and audio is choppy, i.e. plays normal then speeds up a little then plays normal and then speeds up again. This effect gets progressivly worse if I seek forward through the movie, e.g. if I fast forward then play the movie will play really fast like x4 for approx a few seconds then plays normal and then does the whole choppy thing again.

I have read through forums and wiki and cannot find a resolution. I have tried multiple video formats and all have the same problem. I have installed XBMC onto another machine (my laptop) and played the same files ok, so it appears to be my pc, but I would still like to get it to work.

The Details:
OS: WinXP Pro SP3 32bit
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+
Video: ATI Radeon HD 4800 (v8.723.0.0)
Sound: SoundMAX (ADI AD1988B) (v5.10.1.6110)
XBMC: 9.11 r26017

I played played SIX movies with various formats:
1) American Gangster.avi (MediaInfo:
2) Hellboy II.m4v (MediaInfo:
3) Terminator 3.mkv (MediaInfo:
4) Australia.ISO (Direct DVD Backup)
5) 00013.M2TS Australia (Direct BluRay Backup)
6) The Family Man.avi (MediaInfo:

The process I followed:
1) Played movie (1) for approx 5mins with no visible problems, so I fast forwarded a few times and still no significant problems with playback. The FPS was relatively constant on 25, and CPU was hanging around 10%.

2) Played movie (2) for approx 1min and it was choppy from the beginning, so fast forwarded a little and no change still choppy. The FPS was hovering from 25 through to hi 30s, and CPU was hanging around 20%.

3) Played movie (3) for approx 1min and it was choppy from the beginning, so fast forwarded a little and no change still choppy. The FPS was hovering between 30s and 40s only touching 25 rarely, and CPU was hanging around 25% to 30%.

4) Played movie (4) for approx 1min and it was choppy from the beginning, so fast forwarded a little and no change still choppy. The FPS was hovering between 30s and 50s only touching 25 rarely, and CPU was hanging around 25% to 30%.

5) Played movie (5) for approx 1min and it was choppy and extremly slow right from the beginning, so fast forwarded a little and no change. The FPS was relatively constant on 12, and CPU was hanging around 30%.

6) Played movie (6) for approx 1min and it was choppy from the beginning, so fast forwarded a little and no change still choppy. The FPS was hovering in the 30s only touching 25 rarely, and CPU was hanging around 10%.

All of the files above have played ok on this same pc using other software such as mplayerc and vlc. I hope someone can help as this software look great and would love to use it.

Debug Log: (
After logging a bug and trying multiple fixes, e.g. (BIOS upgrade, Driver updates, and adding "/usepmtimer" switch to the boot.ini file to overcome a problem with AMD and cool n quite), I gave up and Upgraded to Win7 and now everything is working as normal.

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Video and audio choppy0